Retreat Overview

This summer we will be exploring the # 1 ranked most Beautiful National Park in the USA-Glacier National Park in Montana to explore Judaism in the Great Outdoors.

We have selected some of the finest Torah educators in the world as well as a well seasoned guide for this experience…. Come join us for a nine day trip of personal discovery.

We will be at a base camp within Glacier National Park and only doing day hikes. Our  daily living activities including: meals, learning, workshops and tent sleeping will occur at the base camp.  There will be NO need to carry supplies in heavy backpacks.

Each day will combine Torah learning, group challenge based initiatives, day hikes, and exploration.

We will be spending Friday – Sunday in a hotel just outside of the park.

You can fly into either Missoula, Montana(MSO) or Kalispell, Montana(FCA).

Space is extremely limited Apply Now!

Build |Bond| Inspire

What To Expect


  • Day Hikes
  • Attend a Genuine Rodeo
  • White Water Rafting
  • Explore the #1 ranked most Beautiful National Park in the USA
  • See the Glaciers before they all melt (yes, they really are melting )
  • Experience the Wild West…It is Awesome!


  • Learning to learn: Talmud
  • Jewish Insights into Practical Living
  • One on one: study the topic of your choice with a member of our staff
  • Mensch Making Jewish Ethics
  • War, Peace, or Synergy: A Dialogue with Modernity- Torah and the 21st Century

Glacier National Park

Augsut 17  – 24, 2020


7:45 AM – Reach Beyond Yourself-Yoga (Optional)
8:15 AM – Explanatory Service (Optional)
8:45 AM – Breakfast
9:30 AM – The Talmud- Jews for Exegesis
10:30 AM – One on One Talmud Study Made Accessible- Self Preservation- Who Comes First?
11:30 AM – The Price of Happiness- What can money buy?
12:30PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Hike Cathedral Rock in Sedona, Arizona
6:30 PM – Dinner
7:30 PM – The Seven Wonders of Jewish History

Our day begins with two optional activities and workshops first Yoga followed by an Explanatory Service
From Breakfast until Lunch there are breakout groups Activity throughout the afternoon


  • Heritage Retreats allowed me to take in the fresh air, hike, and enable meaningful conversations in a fun setting with some awesome guys.

Discover Yourself

August 17 - 24, 2020